Here are my reasons behind the creation of each image, the significance of colors, symbolism and what I have attempted to convey here.
Turn From the past:
Here I am literally turning my back on my old ways of thinking  the beastly doctor notion is isolated in a cave, to be forever left behind.

Changes Reflected:
The mirror reflects the truth, and the empty room and the beast-medic are the old notions disappearing.

Healing Hues:
My new ideas about medical professionals  set against the color(s) that no longer strike terror into me.

Faded Notions:
A new take on how medics treat patients, at least it is a "new take" with regards to my earlier phobic thoughts.  The wolves and scary imagery are still present, but is fading away in the light of reality.

This is the re-building of my body by the hands of my surgeon, who is of course no longer a monster but a restorer.  He has returned my body back to the way it was before the weight gain and loss destroyed my skin.

My fears have turned to amazement as I behold my new look, but the means of the change and the place of all my old fears  the OR  with the doctor and nurses  is still present.  But the terror surrounding it is not.

Hidden no more:
This is the end of my having to hide my problem; a return to normalcy.

But there was nothing to fear!:
The spooky forest, the frightened stare, the fog  there should be a wolf-faced doctor leaping out with a horrible medical tool to terrorize me...  But it's just a couple medics walking along, out to "get" no one, harmless to me.   The paths may still be dark and full of pain and struggle, but I have found the medics to be the ones who tried to help me through it, instead of making it worse, as I had so long feared.

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